Here's your chance to win a copy of my favourite Christmas book, "Room for a Little One"
All you have to do is email me your favourite family traditions. You have 10 days!
How the competition will run...
To be eligible for entry, you must only send me stories of Christmas traditions you actually use in your family (i.e. they can't be out of a book or something you've seen somewhere)
- Tell it like a story, and attach some pictures if you have them (all entrie
s will be featured on my blog*)
- Each separate tradition you send in qualifies as an entry into the draw (i.e. send me 3 family traditions, you have 3 chances in the draw)
- You must actually email me to be entered and include your full name and mailing address!! (i.e. not just post a comment)
- You need to include your full name and postal address so I can post your prize to you (these will not be published or held on a database; I will print your first name and hometown only)
- By entering you are agreeing to have your entry published on my blog
- The competition closes at 9pm on Saturday 15th November
- The winner's name will be drawn out of a hat, by Rory

The winner will be notified by email and I will also post it on my blog
I will order the book from GoodBooks.co.nz and they will post the winner's prize directly to them. It should be there well before Christmas so you can enjoy reading it with your little ones!
So get going - you have only 10 days! I look forward to reading your entries :)
TO ENTER EMAIL: greatfun4kids@live.com
* I reserve the right to edit entries for the purpose of readability
1. Each year we buy a new Christmas Story to read (over and over and over).. ie A kiwi night before Christmas; the Christmas Caravan etc
2. We have a family photo album that holds one christmas photo of the family & the Christmas tree, for each year (photos show stages of growing up, old pets, bad hair etc..)
3. Christmas Breakfast. Held with the nearest and dearest.
1) Since the first year we were married we name our Christmas trees. The first year began with an A....and so on down the alphabet.
2) At Thanksgiving (We live in the States) we write what we are thankful for on a paper ornament. Then we wrap them up in a box, place them under the tree. On Christmas morning we read them, then place them on the tree. They are by far my favorite ornaments.
3) We do a birthday cake for Jesus.
If I think of any others I will come back and tell you:) BTW--I like the idea of buying a Christmas book each year:)
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